Friday, July 24, 2009

Erosion Poem (Take One)

Endless shifting sands of night,
The sky unmarred
By the intrusion of stars,
Mirroring the still-life
And forever-dead,
Of the world beneath.
The wind is biting and dry;
A bitter cold that cuts anew,
But subtly as not to numb
And not too quickly kill.
A sand-blasted rock stands,
Worn smooth to the touch,
A queer venture into the world
By something a great deal more complex,
And a great deal more simple.
Give it the ages gone by and it too like the sky,
Shall return to a nothingness unmarred,
By the intrusion of the stars.


Anonymous said...

It paints a nice enough image, but I just finished reading Watchmen and all I can think of are all the mars scenes with Doc Manhattan up there in space.
As for the poem bud, I'm not sure what to say. I like the picture it creates, but on the whole it doesn't tell me a lot and I'm not impressed with it. It could just be the mood I'm in; I'll give it a read through in a couple of days once I feel better, but for now...

Unknown said...

that's the exact same way I felt about it.

Anonymous said...

I just keep hoping for it, but still... :\
I've seen you do some great things though. Don't let this bum you out.