Thursday, April 11, 2013


 The two greatest fears in conflict:
 Life and death.  the Future
 so fast that it becomes the present:
 Fleeting joy and shredded paper
 and a cutthroat return policy.

 Anecdotal evidence is inadmissible in court with
 a solipsistic judge, jury, and executioner.

 So rhythmically it's predictably familiar and still
 my tongue hugs the contours of each sugary pill.
 A placebo for the diabetic offers no hope.
 Given a foot, it'll take twelve more of rope.

 It's the steeliest mentality:
 Easy enough to fall into the black hole
                                            my body            has worn cold
                                                                      into my bed.

 The universe tends towards stillness.
 Nature abhors the vacuum because the two have grown too much


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