Friday, June 19, 2009

Fucking ENGLISH Major, Man

Who IS this talentless four-eyed fuck
Whose words flitter listlessly upon a page
And who without his Pulitzer prize sized crutch
Would never deserve to take a stage?

Who IS this burned-out druggie cunt
This gonzo-douchebag piece of shit
Who writes between hard-hitting blunts
As if sobriety is holding back your wits?

And who IS this raving lunatic
If not just a wino with a pen
Who thinks that keeping just one shtick
Will win him a fucking prize again?

Who ARE these arrogant pissant sods
Who think they’re witty when they’re just verbose
And worship none but themselves as gods
And suck equally in verse and prose?

They’re nothing special, just worn out hacks
Running on empty and weed and crack
Who somehow make the words seem more
Than overplayed, overused, overestimated WHORES.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

My favorite is the last stanza. This poem is snazzy, and I think I've read it on fb before. Generally, it's a little too vulgar for me, but I really enjoyed the message it got across. You've got a lot of interesting things to say, so keep those coming.