Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Recycled Relics

Believe me they will find Excalibur
Or even the Honjo Masamune
But when they find it they will say
“You get don’t metal like this these days”
And they’ll melt it down for scraps.

They’ll one day find Christ’s crucifix
And cut pieces from the cross
For the wood is holy and not much is lost.
And they will recycle whatever they can
But the rest they’ll toss.

They will cut down the trees at Gethsemane
And at every other sacred grove
For the trees all filled with the people's love
Will make more books and Starbucks trays
Than the Amazon.

And at the end, when the treasures are all gone
All the recycled paper all up in flames
They will burn the countries and they will burn the land
They will burn the states, the constructs of man
They will burn the buildings and they will burn the cities;
They will burn the cities down to plant more trees.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It'd be much more amusing if I couldn't see it happening. But as it were...